Using the stereo camera

Background material

We have a BumbleBee stereo camera from Point Grey Research. This has the very nice property that it's two cameras are already calibrated, and they are fixed together in a little box, and their stereo parameters are also callibrated. So we can get rectified images and skip striaght to the fun stuff.

It comes with an SDK that lets us develop software that uses the camera and the stereo processing software that comes with it. Here is the manual. Read pages 115-123 to get some background on what this setup does. FYI, the "triclops" is their 3-camera box, we just have the 2-camera one.

Here is some info on the 3D modeling functionality, from their Web site.

Getting started

The camera is in 3228 Academic Surge; I assume you all can get in. It is attached to the Dell in the common area. There is an account called cse289h, and I assume you know the password. The demo software is Digiclops Demo II. Start it up.