Make-up Program - Baby Names

This project is based on the NameSurfer project by Nick Parlante at Stanford.

In this project we will graph data about American baby names taken from the Social Security Administration Web site. We will read the data, store it in a dictionary data structure, and then let the user type in names. If a name appears in our data, we will open a graphics window and draw a graph, like the one above, showing how the popularity of the name changed since 1900. This graph is for the name Grace. It has low rank near the beginning of the century (so the line is high - number one should be at the top) and then dips down in the seventies, meaning that the rank of the name is greater (less popular).

Input file

The data file:


contains a list of first names, each followed by eleven numbers which are the ranks of the name in the decades ending in 1900, 1910,...,2000. The rank of a name is the index of the name, when all the top 1000 names for that year are put into a list from most popular to least popular. So the most popular name has rank one, the second-most popular name has rank two, and so on. If a name was never in the 1000 most popular names, it does not appear in the list at all. If a name ranks in the top 1000 in some years, but not others, it gets a rank of zero in the years in which it did not make the top 1000.

Graphing module

The graphics module

uses tkinter, the built-in Python UI module, to draw a graph. You can run it as it's own program to see an example, and import the function drawPlot() into your program to do the drawing.

Program Requirements

Your program shoud read in the file names.txt. It must store the data in a dictionary, where the keys are the names and the data stored at each key is a list, containing eleven integers representing the ranks. After reading and storing the entire file, it should loop, asking the user to enter a name. If the name is a key in the dictionary, it should display a graph like the one at the top of this page, using the module For every year, the height of the line corresponds to 1000-(the rank of the name), so that if a name has low rank, its line appears higher on the graph. The exception to this rule is that if a name has rank zero, that means it did not make the top 1000, so its line should appear at the very bottom of the graph.

When the user kills the window containing the graph, your program should ask for another name, until nothing gets entered. It is OK to make the user capitalize the first letter of the name.

Suggested steps

First, open names.txt and make a file reading loop that prints out just the first line of data (it's a very big file, don't print the whole thing).

Then, extract the name ("A") from the line, and the strings representing the eleven ranks. Convert the ranks to integers, replace all zeros with 1000, and put them into a list. Print out the list to check that it is a list of eleven integers.

Create an empty dictionary, and then store your list into the dictionary using the name as the key. Then try retrieving the list from the dictionary, using the key, and print it out to make sure this is working.

Once you can handle the first line, you can probably handle the whole file. Make a loop which reads the whole file, storing the data from every line into the dictionary as you go along. Put the loop into its own function, which returns the dictionary.

Once you have the dictionary, try getting data out of it. Get a name from the user, and look up and print out the list stored under that name. If the user does not enter a name, just hits return, your program should exit.

Now work on drawing the graph using the canvasPlot module. You will have to modify the module. Start out by running it as it's own program to see what it does. Look at it's main() function to see how drawPlot is called.

It is a good idea to make a little sketch on paper of a typical graph, to keep track of what the coordinates of the various line end-points are in the window.

The graph as given is drawn in a 300x200 rectangle, starting at position (100,250) in a window of size 450x300 (remember the y-position is 0 at the top and 300 on the bottom). You can use the same rectangle, but you'll need to change the labels on the x axis to 1900-2000, and the labels on the y axis from 0 at the bottom to 1000 at the top.

Then you'll need to rescale your data so that, for instance, the pair (1900, 1000) is rescaled to the window position (100,50) (upper left corner in the 300x200 rectangle where the chart goes). An example of rescaling is included in the main() function in canvasPlot.

Programming advice

Remember, writing a big program is a constant battle against bugs. Developing the program slowly and methodically helps find them quickly.