Syllabus and Grading

Class Outline

The class will be built around writing simple computer programs in Python. In earlier quarters we've written programs to show how the battleground states could swing the election, mapped economic data by California counties, and charted the popularity of baby names. This year we will work on building a weather Web app. There may also be occasional short-answer homework problems.

Writing these programs will give you a good understanding of computer programming, including interacting with the user and responding appropriately to user behavior, using data files, and organizing a program and the data it uses. You should be able to write useful Python programs by the end of this class, and you should be able to learn other languages as needed - they all mostly express the same concepts with different syntax.


The grades for this course will follow a formula:
Programs and Homework 36%
2 Midterms 36%
Final 28%
The test scores will be graded on a curve, but not the programs or homework.

You will be allowed to use the textbook and any notes you like in the midterms and final. No calculators, computers or phones.

Late Assignments

  1. We will not accept late homework or programs. You will not be able to upload them to SmartSite after the due date.
  2. There will be a make-up program assigned during the last two weeks of the quarter. You can use the make-up program to replace your lowest program score, including a zero for a program you missed.

Regrading requests

We will not consider regrade requests on programs except under very unusual circumstances. There is a subjective component to grading a program, just like grading an essay, and the grader's opinion is final.
If you think we have made a mistake in grading an exam, please submit a request to Prof. Amenta, by email, within a week of getting the exam back. Explain clearly and specifically what you think the error is.