Package Name SRRIT
Author(s) Zhaojun Bai and G. W. Stewart
Version 1
Date Dec 1997
Language Fortran 77
Platform(s) any
References 7.4 single and multi-vector iterations, non-Hermitian eigenproblem
Functionality SRRIT is a Fortran program to calculate an approximate orthonormal basis fr a dominant invariant subspace of a real matrix A (large, sparse) by the method of simultaneous iteration. Specifically, given an integer m, SRRIT computes a matrix Q with m orthonormal columns and real quasi-triangular matrix T of order m such that the equation AQ = QT is satisfied up to a tolerance specified by the user. The eigenvalues of T are approximations to the m eigenvalues of largest absolute magnitude of A and the columns of Q span the invariant subspace corresponding to those eigenvalues. SRRIT references A only through a user-provided subroutine to form the product AQ; hence it is suitable for large sparse problems.
Location code:
documentation: ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol. 23, no. 4, p. 494-513, Dec 1997

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