Sean PeisertACM Distinguished Member |
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IEEE Security & Privacy (ongoing)
NSA SoS Best Paper Competition (annually, deadlines in April) IEEE Cybersecurity Award for Practice (annually, deadlines in July) NSF Cybersecurity Summit (Oct. 7–10 2024) IEEE S&P (Oakland) 2025 (May 12–15, 2025) CSET 2025 (Aug 2025) NSPW 2025 Aug–Oct, 2024)
Network Resilience / SDN SecurityThis project was originally funded by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories, and originally focused on mapping and analyzing the qualities of resilient networks. The Lead PI on that project was Celeste Matarazzo. Collaborators included Prof. Sean Peisert, PI at UC Davis, and Prof. Tina Eliassi-Rad, PI at Rutgers University. The work was also funded for a time by the National Science Foundation, focusing on security of SDN-based networks. Adrian Chanvez's involvement was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy and Sandia National Laboratories. Researchers currently involved:
Researchers previously involved:
Current sponsor: National Science Foundation ACI/CC-NIE Past Sponsor: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Publications resulting from this project:
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Last modified: Thursday, 01-Aug-2019 17:07:44 PDT |