ECS 188-002 – Ethics in an Age of Technology – Winter 2016
Last updated: Fri, Mar 18, 2016 at 10:20 pm
- Our class is over. Exams have beeen graded and final grades assigned.
On the exam, the high of 103/105 was pretty impressive.
But the mean was only 68, and a s.d. of 17.
The highest overall grade, 98% (same person), was again quite high.
The median student had 79% of total points and got a B+ so,
overall, I think I assigned high grades (as I often do for this class, and
as was done for the other section, too).
If you would like to see your exam or grading details,
or get back my notes or student notes on your project, please see me early in Spring quarter.
- Of course none of the above has much to do with what you actually got out of the class (more than
any other class I teach, this is a silly one to have to grade).
More important, I hope that something signficant stays with you from
our shared experience in this class. I know I don’t reach everyone, but I try to.
- Here is the video clip
I showed of Jacob Bronowski. He died just after making
The Ascent of Man.
Course information
Home page of Prof. Phillip Rogaway