ECS 189A – Topics in Computer Science: Cryptography – Spring 2011
Last updated: Mon, June 15, 2011 at 9:45 am PDT
- Grades are done and have been posted.
As is my usual experience, the finals showed a wide
variation: graded out of 145, the high was 133 (92%) (followed by 132, 127, 117,...), while and the low was 45 (31%) and the median was 85 (59%).
If you wish to take a look at your final, you are welcome to do so by finding me this summer or fall.
- I’ve had a lot of fun teaching this class; hope you’ve had some fun taking it, too. Have a lovely summer. Work hard and
play hard. PR
Reading assignment to date
- All the book! Chapters 1-13 from [PP]
Problem sets
You are indebted to TA Viet Tung for preparing almost all the homework
Reference materials
- The Markov Chain
Monte Carlo Revolution, by P. Diaconis. Just the first four pages (don’t be intimidated by
the rest), on breaking substitution ciphers.
- A Mathematical Theory of Communication,
by C. Shannon (1948). A classic! Where “Shannon security” comes from.
- Trivium specification,
by C. Canniere and B. Preneel (2006). Stream cipher your book chooses to discuss.
Came out of the EU’s eSTREAM project.
- RC4, designed by R. Rivest. Widely used in Internet
applications and WiFi networking—but not without problems.
- LFSRs (Wikipedia) and
(Corporate web page)
- DES as defined by NPS FIPS 46
- The Data Encyrption Standard (DES) and its Stength Against Attacks, by
Don Coppersmith (1994)
- FIPS 197 defines AES (2001)
- Evaluation of Some Blockcipher Modes, by P. Rogaway (for
the Japanese CRYPTREC project) (2011)
- The Birthday Problem, by M. Bellare (from our joint lecture notes)
- Authenticated encryption, by J. Black (2004).
And another survey of the area, by
G. Rose.
- Interview with M. Hellman, an interesting oral history (2004)
- FIPS 186-3 (DSS) (2009)
- Identity-Based Encryption from the Weil Pairing, by D. Boneh and M. Franklin (2003)
- A Fully Homomorphic Encryption Scheme,
by C. Gentry (an example of what a great PhD thesis looks like).
Homepage of Phil Rogaway.