Reference: Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT 2006. Also Cryptology ePrint Report 2004/331
The game-playing technique is a powerful tool for analyzing cryptographic constructions.
We illustrate this by using games as the central tool for proving security of three-key
triple-encryption, a long-standing open problem.
Our result, which is in the ideal-cipher model, demonstrates that for DES parameters
(56-bit keys and 64-bit plaintexts) an adversary's maximal advantage is small until it
asks about $2^{78}$ queries. Beyond this application, we
develop the foundations for game playing, formalizing a general framework for
game-playing proofs and discussing techniques used within such proofs.
To further exercise the game-playing framework we show how to use games
to get simple proofs for the PRP/PRF Switching Lemma,
the security of the basic CBC MAC, and the chosen-plaintext-attack security of OAEP.
History: First publicly released on 30 Nov 2004 under the title "The Game-Playing Technique". The current paper (version 2.2, Feb 2006) is substantially different.
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