Reference: Fast Software Encryption (FSE) 2004. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. ??, pp. ??--??.
Symmetric encryption schemes are usually
formalized so as to make the encryption
operation a probabilistic or state-dependent function E of
the message M and the key K the user supplies M and K
and the encryption process does the rest,
flipping coins or modifying internal state in order to
produce a ciphertext C.
Here we investigate an alternative syntax for an
encryption scheme, where the encryption process~$\E$ is
a deterministic function that surfaces an
initialization vector (IV).
The user supplies a message M, key K, and initialization vector IV,
getting back the (one and only) associated ciphertext C=E(K,IV,M).
We concentrate on the case where the IV is guaranteed to be a
nonce--something that takes on a new value
with every message one encrypts.
We explore
definitions, constructions, and properties for nonce-based encryption.
Symmetric encryption with a surfaced IV more directly
captures real-word constructions like CBC mode, and
encryption schemes constructed to be secure under nonce-based
security notions may be less prone to misuse.
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