Future students

Current students

Former students

  1. John Black got his PhD in 2000. He is now a professor at the University of Colorado, in Boulder.
  2. John Chan got his PhD in 2022 and is now on the job market. He’d prefer not to do something evil.
  3. Viet Tung Hoang got his PhD in 2013. After doing some postdocs, Tung is now a professor at Florida State University.
  4. Ted Krovetz got his PhD in 2000. He is now a professor at Sacramento State.
  5. Chris Patton worked with me on anonymity for a while, but has moved off to the oasis of Florida to finish his degree with Tom Shrimpton (see below). He now works at Cloudflare Research.
  6. Tom Ristenpart was not my student, but did his MS at UCD and I liked to work with him back then. Tom then did his PhD at UCSD under Mihir Bellare. He’s now at at Cornell Tech.
  7. Zane Rubaii came to work with me in 2018 but has moved on to the economics department. Zane is passionate about climate change and social activism.
  8. Tom Shrimpton got his PhD in 2004. He’s now a professor at the University of Florda. People don’t come more amiable than Tom.
  9. Till Stegers got his PhD in 2010 and has then took a position at a Google lab in Santa Monica, California.
  10. John Steinberger got his PhD in 2007. He spent several years as a professor at Tsinghua University, but has now left to pursue some other projects.
  11. James Zhang got his PhD in 2019. He is currently working at Google.

Former podtdocs

  1. Collen Swanson, the travelling crypgorapher, has taken up residence in Seneca Falls, New York.
  2. Atul Luykl has taken a position at Google, working on the Tink cryptographic library.

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