Future students
I do not anticipate taking any further
graduate students at UCD at this point.
I would consider
co-advising a student interested in social, ethical, or political
aspects of CS, regardless of their university affiliation.
Current students
- None! My last student, John Chan, has now graduated.
Former students
- John Black
got his PhD in 2000. He is now a professor at
the University of Colorado, in Boulder.
- John Chan
got his PhD in 2022 and is now on the job market.
He’d prefer not to do something evil.
- Viet Tung Hoang got his PhD in 2013.
After doing some postdocs,
Tung is now a professor at Florida State University.
- Ted Krovetz
got his PhD in 2000.
He is now a professor at Sacramento State.
- Chris Patton worked with me on anonymity
for a while, but has moved off to the oasis of Florida to finish his degree with Tom Shrimpton (see below).
He now works at Cloudflare Research.
- Tom Ristenpart
was not my student, but did his MS at UCD and I liked to work with him back then.
Tom then did his PhD at UCSD under Mihir Bellare.
He’s now at at Cornell Tech.
- Zane Rubaii
came to work with me in 2018 but has moved on to the economics department.
Zane is passionate about climate change and social activism.
- Tom Shrimpton
got his PhD in 2004. He’s now a professor at the University of Florda.
People don’t come more amiable than Tom.
Till Stegers got his PhD in 2010 and
has then took a position at a Google lab in Santa Monica, California.
John Steinberger got his PhD in 2007.
He spent several years as a professor
at Tsinghua University, but has now left to
pursue some other projects.
James Zhang got his PhD in 2019.
He is currently working at Google.
Former podtdocs
- Collen Swanson, the
travelling crypgorapher, has taken up residence in Seneca Falls, New York.
- Atul Luykl has
taken a position at Google, working on the Tink cryptographic library.
Other advising
- I am the past chair for both CS undergraduate advising and Grad-Group-in-CS advising.
If you could use some advice, or someone to listen,
please get in touch.
I’d especially like
to encourage students to
have a “real” exchange about their future.
Advising isn’t just some formality for getting you
“advising hold” lifted.