Zhaojun Bai

Professor of Computer Science and Mathematics
Faculty Scientist of LBL Scalable Solver Group

Mailing address:
Department of Computer Science
University of California
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616

Office: 3005 Kemper Hall
Phone: (530) 752-4874
Fax: (530) 752-4767
email: zbai at ucdavis.edu

Office hours, by appointment




Bio-sketch: Zhaojun Bai is a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Department of Mathematics, University of California, Davis, and a Faculty Computer Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. He obtained his PhD from Fudan University, China and postdoctoral fellowship from Courant Institute, New York University. His main research interests include linear algebra algorithm design and analysis, mathematical software engineering and applications in computational science and engineering, and data science. He participated in a number of synergistic projects, such as LAPACK. He is a co-Editor-in-Chief of ACM TOMS, and serves on editorial boards of JCM and Science China Mathematics among others. Previously, he served as an associate editor of SIMAX, vice chair of IEEE IPDPS and numerous other professional positions. He is a Fellow of SIAM.
