Here I've sorted some recent projects and publications.
Transfer and Active Learning (ONR Guided Learning)
This is a recentfly finished five year project that produced many publications for transfer learning and active learning. A common thread was easier to ask active learning questions and transfer learning in various settings. Example publications:
IJCAI 2013 Active
learning from relative queries
ICDM 2016 Transfer Regession with
relative queries
Active Transfer Learning for Intelligent Tutoring (ONR)
In this project we are working with a company (SOARTECH) to explore the suitability of our work on active and transfer learning to the intelligent tutoring problem. Here the problem is to access the skill level for a student on a variety of related skils but minimizing the number of questions asked of the student.
Functional Network Discovery for Brain Connectivity (NSF)
In this project we explore spatial temporal data which can be considered as being a movie of the same spatial region over time. We attempt to simplify this data into what we term networks which are regions of interest (ROI) which behave cohesively and the relationships between those regions. This problem can be formulated a number of ways as a constrained spectral clustering problem, a tensor decomposition problem and a block model problem.
KDD 10 and DMKD 14 Constrained Spectral Clustering
KDD 2013 Convex Constrained Tensor Decomposition
ICDM 2016 Transfer Regession with
relative queries
Constrained Clustering (NSF CAREER)
Lots of publications in standard setting on this, see publicatoins section. Computational complexity results: KDD 07, AAAI 06, SDM 05, ICML 07. Algorithms ECML 06, KDD 10, KDD 11. Applications: DMKD 14.
Extensions to complex languages in first order logic, AAAI 2013
Pareto optimization formulations involving cutting two graphs simulataneously - SIAM DM 2013
Event Data and Tensor Analysis (ONR Adversarial Events)
Event data and its analysis, DAMI 2013
Role discovery in graphs, KDD 2013
Hierarchy Building (Google Grant)
An integer linear formulation for Hierarchy building, AAAI 2013
Fast efficient hierarchy building with hashing, CIKM 2013
Learning to Rank Across Multiple Domains (Yahoo! Grant)
Active learning to rank extensions for pairwise learning to rank, SIAM DM 2013 TIPS 2016, AAAI 2015