ECS 122A - Algorithm Design and Analysis
- Grades are done! Get them in the customary way, below.
- Have a happy break, and a happy 1998! It's been nice having you as students.
Office Hours
Syllabus, Readings, and General Information
- Course information sheet - You are responsible for everything on this
- Assigned reading to date: 1-3, 4.1-4.3, 5, 8, 9.1, 10, 12.1-12.3, 16.1-16.3, 17.1-17.3,
18, 22.1-22.3, 23, 24, 25.1-25.4, 36; Handouts A, B, C, D, E, F, G
- Lecture-by-lecture topics to date - Including readings
- Topics for this course - We will choose among these topics
- Get my scores
- Just send off the blank mail message that comes up
- Histograms - PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, PS5, PS6, PS7, PS8, PS9, Midterm, and Final
- ucd.class.ecs122a - Official newsgroup - Read but please do not post
- ucd.class.ecs122a.d - Discussion newsgroup - Read and post as you wish
Homeworks and Homework Solutions
Exams and Practice Exams
Supplemental Readings
- Handout A - Manber - Closest pair of points in the plane (not available on-line)
- Handout B - Baase - Lower bound on finding the median (not available on-line)
- Handout C - Weiss - Optimal binary search trees (not available on-line)
Handout D - Blum, Kannan - Designing program that check their work (the full paper)
Handout E - Rogaway - Message authentication codes
- Handout F - Motwani, Raghavan - Stable marriages (not available on-line)
- Handout G - Parsons - LZ77 compression (not available on-line)
- Handout H - Gusfield - The Z-Algorithm (not available on-line)
Other Information
Credits: Background paper and cute gadget "borrowed" from