ECS 227 - Modern Cryptography - Winter 2009
This page last updated:
11 Mar 2009, 8:10 pm
- Please turn in hardcopy of the paper you are basing your project on along with your writeup.
- The final-discussion time slot you signed up for (March 17-18)
- I will ask students to present in the same order as their signup slot.
General information
Lectures to date - grows with each class
Class notes -
evolving course notes, co-written with Mihir Bellare.
Katz-Lindell book
has good topical overlap with the above.
Course information sheet - please read this - and
Lectures for 2007 - doubles as a syllabus, as topics this year will be similar
Class pictures - In living color
Project information - Projects are due the last day of class
sample.tex LaTeX file and the
it yields (in case you've never used LaTeX)
Problem sets
PS 1 (problem 3 postponed),
plus an example of a
student's model solution.
PS 2 (due Feb 9)
PS 3 (due Feb 23)
PS 4 (due Mar 9)
A bit of supplemental material
Practical, ciphertext-only attack on a
substitution cipher (the first few pages of a nice article by
P. Diaconis)
Example blockciphers:
DES (1975),
AES (Rijndael) (1998), and, for something very recent,
Threefish (2008) (embedded in SHA-3 candidate Skein).
More on DES: DES is not a group (K. Campbell and M. Wiener)
(See Section 5, attributed to D. Coppersmith), and
why cycles of E1 o E0 are short) (D. Coppersmith).
More on AES: Cache-timing attacks on AES (D. Bernstein), and
New AES Software Speed Records (D. Bernstein and P. Schwabe).
A possible project paper I wouldn't mind hearing about (M. Nandi).
Phil Rogaway's homepage