Sean Peisert

ACM Distinguished Member

Home Page


Research Projects


Talks and Tutorials

Professional Service


Students & Postdocs




Upcoming activities:

IEEE Security & Privacy (ongoing)

NSA SoS Best Paper Competition (annually, deadlines in April)

IEEE Cybersecurity Award for Practice (annually, deadlines in July)

CSET 2024 (Aug. 13, 2024)

NSPW 2024 Sept. 16–18, 2024)

NSF Cybersecurity Summit (Oct. 7–10 2024)

IEEE S&P (Oakland) 2025 (May 12–15, 2025)


Students & Postdocs

Jump to: Current Students & Postdocs   Former Students & Postdocs   Former Visiting Students & Postdocs

I have had the absolute privilege to work with and learn from insanely great students.

Mathematics Genealogy Project

Current Students and Postdocs

none at present

Former Students and Postdocs

Former Ph.D. Students

Former M.S. Students

  • Chitrabhanu Gupta, M.S., June 2022.
    Project: "A Differential Privacy Framework for Clinical Data Analytics"
    Current: UC Davis ECE Ph.D. program
  • Chaoyi Du (USF), M.S., June 2012.
    Project: "Flexible Access Control for Statistical Databases"
    Employment: Software Engineer, MORE Health, Inc.
  • Bo Hu (USF), M.S., June 2012.
    Project: "Flexible Access Control for Statistical Databases"
    Employment: Machine Learning Engineer, LinkedIn

Former Postdoctoral Scholars

Former Undergraduate Students

Former Visiting Students and Postdocs

Former Visiting Graduate Students

"What Des-Cartes did was a good step. You have added much several ways, & especially in taking ye colours of thin plates into philosophical consideration. If I have seen further it is by standing on ye sholders of Giants."
—Sir Issac Newton to Robert Hooke, in a letter dated Feb. 5 1676

Last modified: Monday, 10-Jun-2024 10:55:48 PDT