ECS 120 – Theory of Computation – Winter 2012
This page last updated: 3/24/2012 at 5:50 pm.
- I graded exams and assigned grades in record time; all done.
Finals were graded out of 96 (I decided to bump down the last page of questions
from 20 to 16 points).
Median was a somewhat disappointing 44/96, range 9-88.
Overall median for the class was 51/100.
- Your graded PS8s are outside my door (3009 Kemper).
Please pick them up Spring term (after that, they’ll be recycled).
- Have a lovely (but short) break. Do good.
phil rogaway
General Information
- Lectures to date
- Course information sheet – you are responsible for everything here
- Readings: Sipser, Chapters 0–5, 7
- Chat room
(on SmartSite)
- Instructor: Phil Rogaway – 3009 Kemper –
please see my homepage for current office hours
- TA: Jonathan Ganz.
Office hours:
Thursday, March 22, 3:30–5:00 pm. in Kemper 55 (basement level).
Email: jmganz [at]
Problem Sets
Exams and Practice Exams
Phil Rogaway’s homepage