Patrice Koehl
Department of Computer Science
Genome Center
Room 4319, Genome Center, GBSF
451 East Health Sciences Drive
University of California
Davis, CA 95616
Phone: (530) 754 5121

AIX008: Introduction to Data Science: Summer 2022

How to communicate with a computer

Data and instructions cannot be entered and processed directly into computers using human language. Any type of information, be it numbers, letters, sound, pictures or any combination of the above must first be converted into machine-readable form. Computers use binary - the digits 0 and 1 - to store such information. A binary digit, or bit, is the smallest unit of data that can be stored. It is represented by a 0 or a 1. In this chapter, we cover the different conversions between human-comprehensible information the the corresponding computer-comprehensible information. We cover numbers (integers and real), texts, sound, and images. We briefly cover the current data revolution.

Lecture Notes

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Powerpoint document (click to download)
PDF document (click to download)
PDF document: 3 slides/page (click to download)

Further Reading

  Page last modified 19 September 2024