ECS 120 – Theory of Computation – Spring 2013
This page last updated: 6/14/2013 at 11:30 am
- The term is over!
I wish you a good summer, one of scholarship and growth.
Phillip Rogaway
General Information
- Lectures to date will grow with each lecture
- Prior lecture list (Fall 2012), combined with the course information sheet,
doubles as a syllabus.
Also has links to videos of prior lectures, which you might find useful.
- Readings: Sipser, Chapters 0-5, 6.1, 7
- Course information sheet – you are responsible for everything here
- Chat room
on SmartSite
- Instructor: Phillip Rogaway – 3009 Kemper –
please see my homepage for current office hours
- TA: Thomas Provan.
Current office hours: TR 3-5 in Kemper 55 (basement level).
Email to tcprovan at
Problem Sets
Practice Exams
Phillip Rogaway’s homepage