electronic documents below are provided for convenience. Note that some
may be copyrighted, and/or belong to a corresponding publishing entity.
- Code, Quality, and Process Metrics in
Graduated and Retired ASFI Projects
Stanciulescu, S., Yin, L., Filkov, V.
FSE 2022
Open Source Software Sustainability: Combining Institutional Analysis and Socio-Technical Networks
Yin, L., Chakraborti, M., Yan, Y.,Schweik, C., Frey, S., Filkov, V.
CSCW 2022
- Exploring Apache Incubator Project Trajectories with APEX
Ramchandran, A., Yin,L., Filkov, V.
MSR 2022, Tool track
Evolution and differentiation of the cybersecurity communities in three social question and answer sites: A mixed-methods analysis
Wu, M., Aranovich, R., Filkov, V.
- Beyond NVD: Cybersecurity meets the Semantic Web
Aranovich, L., Wu, M., Yu, Yu, D., Katsy, K., Ahmadnia, B., Bishop, M., Filkov, V., Sagae, K.
NSPW 2021
- Sustainability Forecasting for Apache Incubator Projects
Yin, L., Chen, Z., Xuan, Q., Filkov, V.
- Apache Software Foundation Incubator Project Sustainability Dataset
Yin, L., Chen, Z., Xuan, Q., Filkov, V.
MSR 2021, Data track
- Team Discussions and Dynamics During DevOps Tool Adoptions in OSS Projects
Yin, L., Filkov, V.
ASE 2020
ACM Distinguished Paper Award
- Evolutionary network genomics of wood formation in a phylogenetic survey of angiosperm forest trees
Zinkgraf, M., Zhao, S., Gerttula, S., Canning, C.; Lu, M-Z. Filkov, V., Groover, A.
New Phytologist
- Software Visualization and Deep Transfer Learning for Effective Software Defect Prediction
Chen, J. Hu, K. , Yu, Y., Chen, Z., Xuan, Q., Liu, Y., Filkov, V.
ICSE 2020, Seoul, South Korea
- Whom Are You Going to Call? Determinants of @-Mentions in GitHub Discussions. Preprint is here.
Kavaler, D., Devanbu, P., Filkov, V.
ESE 2019
- Status, Identity, and Language: A Study of Issue Discussions in GitHub
Liao, J., Kavaler, D., Yang, G., Filkov, V., Devanbu, P.
PLOS One 2019
- Socio-Technical Work-Rate Increase Associates With Changes in Work Patterns in Online Projects
Sarker, F., Vasilescu, B., Blincoe, K., and Filkov, V.
International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE, IEEE (2019)
- Tool Choice Matters: JavaScript Quality Assurance Tools and Usage Outcomes in GitHub Projects
Kavaler, D., Trockman, A., Vasilescu, B., and Filkov, V.
International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE, IEEE (2019)
- Studying Android App Popularity by Cross-Linking GitHub and Google Play Store
J Businge, M Openja, D Kavaler, E Bainomugisha, F Khomh, V Filkov
26th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering, SANER, 2019
- Cross-Project Code Clones in GitHub
M. Gharehyazie, B. Ray, V. Filkov
Empirical Software Engineering journal, 2019
- Reconstructing Gene Networks of Forest Trees from Gene Expression Data: Toward Higher-Resolution Approaches (invited)
M. Zinkgraf, A. Groover, V. Filkov
ICT Innovations 2018, CCIS 940, Springer
- Within-Ecosystem Issue Linking: A Large-Scale Study of Rails"
Y. Zhang, Y. Yu, H. Wang, B. Vasilescu, V. Filkov
Proceedings of the 7th ACM/IEEE International Workshop on Software Mining
- Whom Are You Going to Call?: Determinants of @-Mentions in GitHub Discussions
D. Kavaler, P. Devanbu, V. Filkov
arXiv:1806.08457, 2018
- Multiple feedback loops of the Arabidopsis circadian clock provide rhythmic robustness across environmental conditions
A. Shalit-Kaneh, R.W. Kumimoto, V. Filkov, S.L. Harmer
PNAS June 18, 2018. 201805524
- One Size Does Not Fit All: An Empirical Study of Containerized Continuous Deployment Workflows
Y. Zhang, B. Vasilescu, H. Wang, V. Filkov
FSE 2018, accepted
- Modern Food Foraging Patterns: Geography and Cuisine Choices of Restaurant Patrons on Yelp
Q. Xuan, M. Zhou, Z. Zhang, C. Fu, Y. Xiang, Z. Wu, V. Filkov
IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 508-517, June 2018.
doi: 10.1109/TCSS.2018.2819659
- A Clustering-based Approach for Mining Dockerfile Evolutionary Trajectories
Y. Zhang, H. Wang, V. Filkov
- Determinants of quality, latency, and amount of Stack Overflow answers about recent Android APIs
D. Kavaler, V. Filkov
PLOS One, March 2018,
- Transcriptional and temporal response of Populus stems to gravi-stimulation
M. Zinkgraf, S. Gertulla, S. Zhao, V. Filkov, A. Groover
Journal of Integrative Plant Biology (JIPB),
A Large Scale Study of Programming Languages and Code Quality in Github
B. Ray, D. Posnett, P. Devanbu, V. Filkov
CACM, 60 (10), p.91-100, 2017
CACM also ran a Technical Perspective article about our article. It is available here.
How Do Software Engineering Practices Change Following Adoption of Continuous
Y. Zhao, Y. Zhou, A. Serebrenik, V. Filkov, B. Vasilescu
32nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, 2017
- Perceived Language Complexity in GitHub Issue Discussions and Their Effect on
Issue Resolution
D. Kavaler, S. Sirovica, V. Helendoorn, R. Aranovich, V. Filkov
32nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, 2017
- Social synchrony on complex networks (preprint.)
Q. Xuan, Z.-Y. Zhang, C. Fu, H.-. Hu, V. Filkov
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, PP(99), p.1-12, 2017
- Some From Here, Some From There: Cross-Project Code Reuse in GitHub
Mohammad Gharehyazie, Baishakhi Ray and Vladimir Filkov
MSR 2017
ACM Distinguished Paper Award
- Identifying gene coexpression networks underlying the dynamic regulation of wood forming tissues in Populus under diverse environmental conditions (offprint).
M. Zinkgraf, L. Liu, A. Groover, V. Filkov
New Phytologist 2017 Mar 1. doi: 10.1111/nph.14492.
Tracing distributed collaborative development in apache software foundation projects
Mohammad Gharehyazie, Vladimir Filkov
Empirical Software Engineering, 2016, doi:10.1007/s10664-016-9463-3
- Initial and Eventual Software Quality Relating to Continuous Integration in GitHub
Yue Yu, Bogdan Vasilescu, Huaimin Wang, Vladimir Filkov, Premkumar Devanbu
arXiv:1606.00521, 2016
- Converging Work-Talk Patterns in Online Task-Oriented Communities
Qi Xuan, Premkumar Devanbu, and Vladimir Filkov
PLOS One 11(5): e0154324. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0154324, 2016
- Stochastic actor-oriented modeling for studying homophily and social influence in OSS projects (offprint).
David Kavaler, Vladimir Filkov
Empirical Software Engineering, p.1-29, 2016, doi:10.1007/s10664-016-9431-y
- The Sky is Not the Limit: Multitasking Across GitHub Projects
Bogdan Vasilescu, Kelly Blincoe, Qi Xuan, Casey Casalnuovo, Daniela Damian, Premkumar Devanbu, and Vladimir Filkov
ICSE 2016
- Transcriptional and Hormonal Regulation of Gravitropism of Woody Stems in Populus
Suzanne Gerttula, Matthew Zinkgraf, Gloria Muday, Daniel Lewis, Farid M Ibatullin, Harry Brumer, Foster Hart, Shawn D Mansfield, Vladimir Filkov, Andrew Groover
Plant Cell, October 2015
An "In Brief" article about our article: When a Tree Falls in the Woods: The Gravitropic Response in Poplar
The article was featured on the journal's cover page.
- Developer Onboarding in GitHub: The Role of Prior Social Links and Language Experience
Casey Casalnuovo, Bogdan Vasilescu, Prem Devanbu and Vladimir Filkov
- Quality and Productivity Outcomes Relating to Continuous Integration in GitHub
Bogdan Vasilescu, Yu Yue, Huaimin Wang, Premkumar Devanbu and Vladimir Filkov
Temporal motifs reveal collaboration patterns in online task-oriented networks
Qi Xuan, Huiting Fang, Chenbo Fu, Vladimir Filkov
Physical Revue E 91, 052813 (2015)
A resource for characterizing genome-wide binding and putative target genes of transcription factors expressed during secondary growth and wood formation in Populus
Liu, Lijun; Ramsay, Trevor; Zinkgraf, Matthew; Sundell, David; Street, Nathaniel; Filkov, Vladimir; Groover, Andrew
The Plant Journal 82(5): 887-898 (2015)
Wait For It: Determinants of Pull Request Evaluation Latency on GitHub.
Yu, Y., Wang, H., Filkov, V., Devanbu, P., and Vasilescu, B.
12th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, MSR, IEEE (2015).
A Data Set for Social Diversity Studies of GitHub Teams.
Vasilescu, B., Serebrenik, A., and Filkov, V.
12th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, Data Track, MSR, IEEE (2015).
Perceptions of Diversity on GitHub: A User Survey.
Vasilescu, B., Filkov, V., and Serebrenik, A.
8th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering, CHASE, IEEE (2015).
- Gender and Tenure Diversity in GitHub Teams Erratum.
Bogdan Vasilescu, Daryl Posnett, Baishakhi Ray, Mark van den Brand, Alexander Serebrenik, Premkumar Devanbu, Vladimir Filkov
International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM CHI 2015.
- Assert Use in GitHub Projects
Casey Casalnuovo, Prem Devanbu, Abilio Oliveira, Vladimir Filkov, Baishakhi Ray
The 37th International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE 2015.
The Populus ARBORKNOX1 homeobox transcription factor regulates woody growth through binding to evolutionarily conserved target genes of diverse function
Lijun Liu, Matthew Zinkgraf, H. Earl Petzold, Eric P. Beers, Vladimir Filkov, and Andrew Groover
New Phytologist, 205(2): 682-694, 2015
Converging Work-Talk Patterns in Online Task-Oriented Communities
Qi Xuan, Prem Devanbu, Vladimir Filkov
CoRR abs/1404.5708 (2014)
Focus-Shifting Patterns of OSS Developers and Their Congruence with Call Graphs
Qi Xuan, Aaron Okano, Prem Devanbu, Vladimir Filkov Nominee: ACM Distinguished Paper Award
A Large Scale Study of Programming Languages and Code Quality in Github
Baishakhi Ray, Daryl Posnett, Vladimir Filkov, Prem Devanbu
This is slightly updated from the version available in the
ACM digital library.
Due to a bug in GitHub Linguist, our TypeScript data was incorrect.
This version corrects the errors.
Some of the findings (concerning TypeScript) changed, and are highlighted in the PDF.
We are requesting a change to the ACM DL version.
Developer initiation and social interactions in OSS: A case study of the Apache Software Foundation
Mohammad Gharehyazie, Daryl Posnett, Bogdan Vasilescu, Vladimir Filkov
Empirical Software Engineering (this is a much extended version of our ICSM 2013 paper below)
Building It Together: Synchronous Development in OSS
Xuan, Vladimir Filkov
ACM/IEEE 36th International Conference on Software
Engineering, ICSE 2014
- Evaluation of experimental design and computational
parameter choices affecting analyses of ChIP-seq and RNA-seq data in
undomesticated poplar trees
Lijun Liu, Victor Missirian, Matthew Zinkgraf,
Andrew Groover and Vladimir Filkov
BMC Genomics
How Social Q&A Sites are Changing Knowledge Sharing in Open Source Software Communities
Bogdan Vasilescu, Alexander Serebrenik, Prem Devanbu, Vladimir Filkov
17th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2014)
Modeling transcriptional networks regulating secondary growth and wood formation in forest trees
Lijun Liu, Vladimir Filkov, Andrew Groover
Physiologia Plantarum, 2013
StackOverflow and GitHub: Associations Between
Software Development and Crowdsourced
Bogdan Vasilescu, Vladimir Filkov, Alexander Serebrenik
IEEE International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom 2013)
Synchrony in Social Groups and Its Benefits
Qi Xuan, Vladimir Filkov
Chapter in Handbook of Human Computation, Michelucci P. (ed.), Springer 2013
Social Activities Rival Patch Submission For Prediction of Developer Initiation in OSS Projects
Nominee: ACM Distinguished Paper Award
Mohammad Gharehyazie, Daryl Posnett, Vladimir Filkov
IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance, Eindhoven, The Netherlands 2013
Asking for (and about) Permissions Used by Android Apps
Ryan Stevens, Jonathan Ganz, Vladimir Filkov, Hao Chen, Premkumar Devanbu
IEEE/ACM 10th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, MSR 2013
Janus: prediction and ranking of mutations required for functional interconversion of enzymes
Addington TA, Mertz RW, Siegel JB, Thompson JM, Fisher AJ, Filkov V, Fleischman NM, Suen AA, Zhang C, Toney MD
Journal of Molecular Biology, 425(8): 1378-1389, 2013
Dual Ecological Measures of Focus for Software Development
Winner: ACM Distinguished Paper Award
Daryl Posnett, Raissa D'Souza, Prem Devanbu, Vladimir Filkov
ACM/IEEE 35th International Conference of Software Engineering, ICSE 2013
Using and Asking: APIs Used in the Android Market and Asked About in StackOverflow
Best Paper Runner-Up (top 5%)
David Kavaler, Daryl Posnett, Clint Gibler, Hao Chen, Prem Devanbu, Vladimir Filkov
The 5th International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo2013)
- Measuring the Effect of Social Communications on Individual Working Rhythms: A Case Study of Open Source Software
Qi Xuan, Mohammad Gharehyazie, Premkumar Devanbu, Vladimir Filkov
ASE/IEEE International Conference on Social Informatics, 2012, Washington DC, USA
Mining Stack Exchange: Expertise is Evident From Initial Contributions
Daryl Posnett, Eric Warburg, Premkumar Devanbu, Vladimir Filkov
ASE/IEEE International Conference on Social Informatics, 2012, Washington DC, USA
MIC Check: A Correlation Tactic for ESE Data
D. Posnett, P. Devanbu, V. Filkov.
Proceedings of the 9th IEEE/ACM Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR), 2012
POPE: Pipeline for Parentally-biased Expression .
V. Missirian, Isabelle Henry, Luca Comai, V. Filkov.
Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications (ISBRA), 2012
Invited: Identifying mutations from TILLING experiments.
V. Filkov.
IEEE ICCABS 2012 (invited lecture)
2011 and before
Ecological inference in empirical software engineering.
Winner: Best Paper Award and ACM Distinguished Paper Award
D. Posnett, V. Filkov, P. Devanbu.
Proceedings of the 26th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 2011
Discovery of Rare Mutations in Populations: TILLING by Sequencing
H. Tsai, T. Howell, R. Nitcher, V. Missirian, B. Watson, K. Ngo, M. Lieberman, J. Fass, C. Uauy, R. Tran, A. Khan, V. Filkov, T. Tai, J. Dubcovsky, L. Comai.
Plant Physiology, 156(3), 1257-1268, 2011
Statistical Mutation Calling from Sequenced Overlapping DNA Pools in TILLING Experiments
V. Missirian, L. Comai, V. Filkov.
BMC Bioinformatics, 12:287, 2011
of Network Analyses in Open Source Projects
R. Nia, C. Bird, P. Devanbu, V. Filkov.
Proceedings of the Seventh Working Conference on Mining Software
Repositories, 2010
associations between microbe phenotypes and their
network architecture
S. Roy, V. Filkov
Physical Review E 80, 040902(R), 2009 (rapid communication)
Fair and
Balanced? Bias in bug-fix Datasets
C. Bird, A. Bachmann, E. Aune, J. Duffy, A. Bernstein, V. Filkov, P.
Proceedings of SIGSOFT
FSE 2009
and verifying a broad array of network properties
V. Filkov, Z. M. Saul, S. Roy, R. M. D'Souza, P. T. Devanbu
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 2009 April; 86(2), 28003
- From Architecture to Function (and Back) in
Bio-networks (Invited)
V. FIlkov
Proceedings of
Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Bilogy (BICoB) 2009
- Evolution of Apache Open Source Software
H.-R. Wen, R.M. D'Souza, Z. M. Saul, V. Filkov
chapter in
On and Of Complex Networks, Birkhauser, Springer. 2009
and Dynamics of Research Collaboration in
Computer Science
C. Bird, E. Barr, A. Nash, P. Devanbu, V.
Filkov, and Z. Su.
Proceedings of SIAM International Conference on Data
Mining (SDM), 2009, 826-837.
Simple Model of the Modular Structure of Transcriptional
Regulation in Yeast
V. Filkov, N. Shah
Journal of Computational Biology 2008 May; 15(4): 393-405.
Social Structure
in Open Source Projects
C. Bird, D. Pattison, R. D'Souza, V. Filkov,
P. Devanbu
Proceedings of SIGSOFT FSE 2008, 24-35.
Clustering Algorithms: Comparison and Refinement
A. Goder, V. Filkov
Proceedings of ALENEX 2008, 109-117.
Biological Network Structure Using Exponential Random Graph Models
Z. M. Saul; V. Filkov
Bioinformatics 2007 Oct 1;23(19):2604-11.
Random Walks Nominee: ACM Distinguished Paper Award
Z. M. Saul, V. Filkov, P. Devanbu, C. Bird
Proceedings of ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE 2007, 15-24.
for Random Modularization of Biological Networks
Z. M. Saul, V. Filkov
Proceedings of BIBE 2006: 285-288.
Linear-Time Algorithm for the Perfect Phylogeny Haplotyping (PPH)
Z. Ding, V. Filkov, D. Gusfield
Journal of Computational Biology 2006
(a shorter version appeared at RECOMB 2005).
Gene Regulatory Networks from Gene Expression Data
V. Filkov
chapter in Handbook of Computational Molecular Biology (S. Aluru
Chapman&Hall/CRC Press 2005.
Data Integration and Top-Down Modeling of Gene Regulation
V. Filkov (invited)
Proceedings of 4th Int.Conf. on Informatics and IT, 2004, 423-432.
Hierarchies from Expression Data
V. Filkov, N. Shah
Proceedings of RECOMB
Satellite Workshop on Regulatory Genomics, 88-97, 2004.
Data Integration with the Consensus Clustering Formalism
V. Filkov,
S. Skiena
Proceedings of DILS'04, 110-123, 2004.
Microarray Data by Consensus Clustering
V. Filkov, S. Skiena
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, 13(4): 863-880,
Interactive Visualization of Microarray Data Sets
Shah, V. Filkov, B. Hamann, K. Joy
Proceedings of METMBS'03, 10-16, 2003.
Understanding of Cis-Regions
V. Filkov, S. Istrail (invited)
Informatics 13:236-239, 2002.
- Computational Understanding of Gene Regulation
Vladimir Filkov
PhD Thesis, Stony Brook University
Techniques for Microarray Time-Series Data
V. Filkov, S. Skiena,
J. Zhu
Journal of Computational Biology 9:317-330, 2002
(a shorter version appeared at RECOMB 2001).
Points on a Circle with Circular Arcs
V. Filkov
Proceedings of CCCG 2000.
Gene Regulatory Networks from Experimental Data
T. Chen, V. Filkov, S. Skiena
Proceedings of RECOMB 1999
(extended version appeared in Parallel Computing,
27(1-2): 141-162, 2001).